OK, so you’re intrigued by the effectiveness of our best-of-breed, Public Sector, groundbreaking App; perhaps you’ve even taken a few seconds to make an actual Service Request or three, that we deliver for you.
Now what? How do you ensure that your local Public Service Providers sit up and take notice? How do you make them realize that the old ways are obsolete, and today’s technologies are properly embraced?
- The best way is to lead by example. By this, we mean encouraging your friends, relatives, neighbours, local businesses and community groups, to download and JUST START USING our groundbreaking App to get questions answered, to report problems, to voice concern about a service issue, to COMPLIMENT Service Provider Staff, and to get information where their website is deficient, as appropriate. In short, any Service Request that should be fulfilled by your Service Provider. The greater the volume, the more likely your Service Provider will take notice quickly. If you want to, you can quickly find our FACEBOOK PAGE, then SHARE and LIKE it. It works!
- Contact your local/regional/county elected official(s) and let them know it’s time for change. Change in the way in which Service Provider Staff interact and communicate with their Constituents. Suggest that they also try us out free for 60 days. [Note: In our Client base, elected officials are typically delighted at having a simple, effective, affordable way to translate calls from their Constituents into responsive action by Staff. It’s a WIN/WIN for your elected officials.]
So now you are asking yourself “Hang on a minute, I’m doing all the work here – what’s in this for me and my community?”:
- We provide the system absolutely free to the Public. We also provide the system to Public Service Providers, at no charge, for less than 3 users, giving them as much time as they need to evaluate the many benefits to Constituents, Staff and elected officials. Typically, these benefits more than cover the modest monthly licensee fees for the system, almost immediately. Experience has shown that if you can seriously improve and measure Customer Service ACROSS THE BOARD, the Service Provider can consistently lower the costs of service delivery, and help to keep the lid on tax and fee increases.
- The barriers to simple, effective, affordable communications are dramatically lowered. Feedback and 2-way communications become the norm. Frustration, and the dreaded “black hole” syndrome, disappear.